DISCy Chicks
DISCy Chicks
What the DISC behavior assessment is NOT.
Just when you thought you knew everything! There are many misconceptions about the DISC assessment and our guest Stacy Axon sets the record straight.
The DISCy Chicks welcome Stacy Axon, a business development consultant with TTISI (our assessment vendor) and also an entrepreneur with her own coaching and training business, Aspire and Thrive based out of Arizona. She shares her knowledge about DISC behavior style, and more specifically, "what DISC is not". Stacy explains how DISC is NOT a personality test, how it is NOT a predictor of high performance on the job and that the DISC assessment is NOT discriminatory ... along with other questions from Cindy and Martha. Listen and learn from Stacy!
TTISI has DISC translated into 48 languages globally and has been in business for over 30 years providing credible, non-discriminatory assessments.
Check out our free eBook, 10 Common Mistakes When Using The DISC Assessment
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