DISCy Chicks
DISCy Chicks
Annual Reviews vs. Performance Management
Cindy and Martha, the DISCY Chicks broach the topic of the often dreaded Annual Performance Reviews. Listen up leaders...are you giving your employees regular performance feedback throughout the year? If the answer is "no", then you're more likely to have ineffective annual performance reviews due to "surprises" of negative feedback. Your employee's trust in you may go in the wrong direction, along with employee engagement and performance.
The DISCY Chicks recommend having weekly one-on-one meetings with each of your people (for no longer than 30 minutes). The good news is the employee is telling you what they have been working on, how they are performing against their goals, what they need from you to perform better, especially for their growth and development. The employee goes first in these weekly meetings, then you take your turn to give them balanced feedback, which is applauding their successes and giving them feedback about what they need to do better in their role. The goal is to build trust through these one-on-one meetings. Trust is the foundation for all of your employee relationships. We invite you to listen to our tips on giving effective feedback to your employees.