DISCy Chicks
DISCy Chicks
No DISC Report? No Problem- Use the power of observation.
The DISCy Chicks speak to the fact that DISC Behaviors are the science of observable behavior. Listen or watch the video as Cindy and Martha walk you through each of the styles that present on the high end of the scales. Here's a break down for you...the high dominants show up "large and in charge". The high influence style loves people, are gregarious, and energetic. The high steady style is also relationship oriented like the influence style, but they move at a slower pace and prefer to socialize in one-on-one settings. Lastly, the high compliant is not so social, moves at a slower more careful pace in order to do their best work. The steady and compliant styles are more introverted styles compared to the high dominant and influence styles.
The next time you are stuck at the airport, have some fun observing others to practice your power of observation using DISC!