DISCy Chicks
DISCy Chicks
Part 2- How DISC, Motivators and EQ work together
Join Cindy and Martha as they continue their discussions about the Trimetrics EQ assessment and how to the value add to you as a leader this report. It combines Driving Forces, DISC Behaviors, and Emotional Intelligence...all in one report. We walk you through a unique way of using this report. The reality is we may be triggered at work when someone says something to us that goes against our primary driving forces. As a leader, how do you learn to control your emotions in the moment when this happens? You react, in this example to the dissonance with your value based motivators, then your behavior takes over, unless you learn how to manage yourself by flexing your EQ muscles with better self-awareness and self-regulation. Maintaining your leadership composure is important so you behave in ways that maintain credibility and trust with your employees. Enjoy!
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