DISCy Chicks
We are two chicks that focus our business around the DISC communications assessment in the workplace for coaching, hiring, teaming, personal development and more. We want to teach YOU to understand the benefits of using DISC in your workplace too.
DISCy Chicks
Unlocking the Power of Driving Forces- Cindy facilitates a debrief with Martha
Cindy Jacoby and Martha Forlines
Season 5
Episode 15
Turnabout is fair play! In our last podcast, Martha facilitated a DISC debrief with Cindy. This week the tables turn and Cindy reviews Martha's hidden motivators- we call Driving Forces. The Driving Forces is the WHY behind our behavior and are often hidden, unlike our behaviors, which makes it a little more challenging to be self-aware.
Watch how to debrief this very meaningful part of the Talent Insights report.
marthaforlines.combelief system institute