DISCy Chicks
DISCy Chicks
DISC in Action- David Sillick, Owner, TAB Jacksonville
TAB is "The Alternative Board". David meets with members monthly as a peer advisory board. They offer coaching, training with a process improvement product called StrapPro, advisement, and accountability. David's members include startups as well as well established businesses as a part of his TAB participants. David doesn't begin any coaching or consulting relationship until they review the client's Talent Insights report. David shares how the DISC assessments help these entrepreneurs to first know themselves, then apply their knowledge within their own organizations to enable cultures of high collaboration and communication. He has always seen the tools used for only the leadership team and in the selection of new employees, using the DISC Behaviors and Driving Forces.
Cindy Jacoby
Belief System Institute
David Sillick
TAB Jacksonville