DISCy Chicks
DISCy Chicks
Use DISC for Better Performance Reviews
It's that time of year again for many businesses...the annual performance review process! Cindy and Martha share lots of tips for those of you that are in the middle of this critical people process in your business. Preparation is the first step. Have you reviewed the DISC behavior style and motivators for each employee prior to your one-on-one meeting? Have you reviewed their "activity reports" they gave to you throughout the year?
The DISCy Chicks speak to the need for you, the leader, to adapt your communication style to that of your employee. You will connect easier especially in those constructive conversations. Another tip is to have your data and examples of where they performed well as well as where they have room to grow and improve. Listen and see what tips and tricks appeal to you! Also remember if you are using a productive performance feedback loop on an ongoing basis with your team members, this annual review will be so much easier for you!