DISCy Chicks

Blindspots that Trip Up Dominants and Influencers

Cindy Jacoby and Martha Forlines Season 4 Episode 2

If you are a high or low Dominant or a high or low Influencer, what disruptive behaviors might you be revealing, without even knowing it?

Our friends at TTI recently published a blog that caught our eye and it was all about behavioral blindspots!

The DISCy Chicks will help you become aware of what your potential blindspots are for the 
direct communicator (high D) and the reflective communicator (low D) as well as the outgoing communicator (high I ) and the reserved communicator (low I).

Knowing where you might trip up with styles that are different from you is critical in any role. Listen in as Cindy and Martha give you their best tips to manage your blind spots, because they don't go away!! Being more self-aware enables you to manage yourself with all different communication styles. 
