DISCy Chicks
We are two chicks that focus our business around the DISC communications assessment in the workplace for coaching, hiring, teaming, personal development and more. We want to teach YOU to understand the benefits of using DISC in your workplace too.
DISCy Chicks
The High Dominant Playbook
Cindy Jacoby and Martha Forlines
Season 3
Episode 5
The DISCy Chicks break down the dominant style as it applies to how they get along with styles different from them! We refer to this as behavior style matching or BSM. With their fast pace, decisive, results oriented ways, the other three styles have very different responses to the dominant behavior style. Remember we all adapt our behavior style at work to fit the job we are in and the culture of the company. The high dominant style often thinks they don't have to adapt, but they do if they need the support of their teammates! Listen to Cindy and Martha's conversation about the high "D"!
We're covering the high influence style next week.