DISCy Chicks

Best of the 2020 DISCy Chicks and Bold Promises for 2021

January 04, 2021 Cindy Jacoby and Martha Forlines Season 2 Episode 1
Best of the 2020 DISCy Chicks and Bold Promises for 2021
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DISCy Chicks
Best of the 2020 DISCy Chicks and Bold Promises for 2021
Jan 04, 2021 Season 2 Episode 1
Cindy Jacoby and Martha Forlines

A BIG Welcome 2021,

The DISCy Chicks thank you for listening and learning about the DISC Behavior Style Assessment in 2020! They provided a recap of the top 3 most listened to podcasts from last year which were 1. Size Up Your Prospects With DISC, featuring our guest Cynthia Matheny. Cynthia claims that DISC was life changing for her while she was in the real estate business. She introduced it to others in the industry once she realized how much it helped her close rate and Cynthia now has her own training and coaching business, The Inspired Mind; 2. What the Heck Is a DISCy Chick? This is the very first episode of the DCP podcast! Cindy and Martha share the basics of understanding DISC behavior style and how powerful the tool is for leaders of others; 3. D stands for Darth Vader, Donald Trump and DISCy Chicks.  Cindy and Martha share their favorite TV shows and iconic people to speak to their predominant behavior styles. Next time you watch your fav shows, see if you can identify behavior styles by practicing your powers of observation! 

So, what's in it for you in 2021? The DISCy Chicks committed to publishing a new podcast every Tuesday, to share content that adds valuable tips for application of DISC behavior style in your business and to have guests that share how they have found business success in hiring, selection and team-building,  using DISC Behavior style! 

Happy 2021 to you! Visit our website, DISCyChicks.com and subscribe to our podcasts and while you're there, take a complimentary DISC assessment to try it on for size!

Show Notes

A BIG Welcome 2021,

The DISCy Chicks thank you for listening and learning about the DISC Behavior Style Assessment in 2020! They provided a recap of the top 3 most listened to podcasts from last year which were 1. Size Up Your Prospects With DISC, featuring our guest Cynthia Matheny. Cynthia claims that DISC was life changing for her while she was in the real estate business. She introduced it to others in the industry once she realized how much it helped her close rate and Cynthia now has her own training and coaching business, The Inspired Mind; 2. What the Heck Is a DISCy Chick? This is the very first episode of the DCP podcast! Cindy and Martha share the basics of understanding DISC behavior style and how powerful the tool is for leaders of others; 3. D stands for Darth Vader, Donald Trump and DISCy Chicks.  Cindy and Martha share their favorite TV shows and iconic people to speak to their predominant behavior styles. Next time you watch your fav shows, see if you can identify behavior styles by practicing your powers of observation! 

So, what's in it for you in 2021? The DISCy Chicks committed to publishing a new podcast every Tuesday, to share content that adds valuable tips for application of DISC behavior style in your business and to have guests that share how they have found business success in hiring, selection and team-building,  using DISC Behavior style! 

Happy 2021 to you! Visit our website, DISCyChicks.com and subscribe to our podcasts and while you're there, take a complimentary DISC assessment to try it on for size!